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The Poems of John Byrom

Edited by Adolphus William Ward

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The Gospel's simpler Language being writ,
Not for the Sake of Learning or of Wit,
But to instruct the pious and the meek,—
When its Intent mere Critics come to seek,
We find on plain intelligible Text
The variorum Comments most perplext.
Such is the Text before us, and so plain
The Saviour's Promise which the Words contain,
That Men for modern Erudition's Sake
Must read and study to acquire Mistake;
Must first observe the Notions that prevail
Amongst the famous in their Church's Pale,—


Firm in the Prejudice, that all is right
Which Books or Persons most in Vogue recite;
Then seek to find how Scripture coincides
With each Decision of their knowing Guides.
Without some such Preparatives as these,
How could the forc'd Interpretation please
That makes a Sacred Promise to bestow
Perpetual Aid exhausted long ago,
In one short Age? For God's Abiding Guide
Withdrew, it seems, when the Apostles died,
And left poor Millions ever since to seek
How dissonant Divines had construed Greek.
In graver Writers one has often read
What in Excuse of Book-worship is said:
“It is not Ink and Letter that we own
“To be Divine, but Scripture's Sense alone;
“We have the Rule which the Apostles made,
“And no Occasion for immediate Aid.”—
Suppose, for once, the gross Delusion true,—
What must a plain and honest Christian do?
The Spirit's Aid how far must he extend,
To bring his Saviour's Promise to an End?
This he perceives Discourse to dwell upon,
And yet “for ever to abide” has none.
He for the Sake of Safety would be glad
To have that Spirit which Apostles had;
Not one of them has writ but says, “he may;”
That “tis the Bliss for which he ought to pray:”
That “God will grant it him,” his Saviour said,


“Sooner than Parents give their Children Bread.”
If reading Scripture can improve a Soul,
This is the Sum and Substance of the whole,
And gives it Value of such high Degree.
For, tho' as Sacred as a Book can be,
'Tis only so, because it best revives
Thought of that Good which animated Lives;
Because its Authors were inspir'd to write,
And saw the Truth in Its own Heav'nly Light;
Because it sends us to that Promis'd Source
Of Light and Truth, Which govern'd their Discourse,
The Holy Spirit's Ever-present Aid,
“With us, and in us”—so the Saviour pray'd—
That, when He left the World, the Holy Ghost
Might dwell with Christians, as an Inward Host;
That Teaching, Truth, and Comfort in the Breast
Might be secur'd by this Abiding Guest.
“Yes; with Apostles.”—Sunk by such a Thought
Th' inestimable Treasure down to Naught!
An History of Sunshine may as soon
Make a blind Man to see the shining Noon,
As Writings only without inward Light
Can bring the World's Redemption into Sight.
Jesus, the Christ, the very Book has shown,
Without the Holy Spirit none can own;—
In Words, they may; but, what is plainly meant,
They cannot give a real Heart-Consent.


What Friend to Scripture, then, Sir, can displace
This Inward Witness of Redeeming Grace,
And rest the Gospel on such outward View,
As any Turk may rest his Koran too?
Nay, he can own a written Word or Work
That Christians do, and yet continue Turk.
Why do the Christian Disputants so fill
The World with Books of a polemic Skill,
When 'tis the Sacred, and acknowledg'd one
That all their jarring Systems build upon,—
But that the Spirit does not rule their Wit,
By Which at first the Sacred one was writ,
Of Whose Support great Scholars stand in need
As much as they who never learnt to read?
Unhappy they, but for that Living Guide,
Whom God Himself has promis'd to provide,—
A Guide, to quote the blessèd Text again,
“For ever to abide” with Christian Men!
Fond of its Books, poor Learning is afraid
And higher Guidance labours to evade.
Books have the Spirit in Supreme Display;
Men but in lower, ordinary Way!


This strange Account of Men and Books is true,
It seems, “according to the Promise” too!
Such wild Conceits all Men have too much Wit,
Or learnèd or unlearnèd, to admit;
But, when some Interest or Custom rules
And chains obsequious Wills to diff'rent Schools,
The wisest then, Sir, will relinquish Thought,
And speak like Parrots just as they are taught.—
What this should be, what spends in vain the Fire
Of brisker Tempers, let us next enquire.