University of Virginia Library


The families from which Mr. Watkins is descended were Huguenots and
in 1700 settled at Manakin Town, Virginia. He was born in Richmond,
Virginia, on January 10, 1824, the son of Stephen D. Watkins, who was
born in Halifax county, Virginia, January 27, 1778, and who died on
July 13, 1862. Thomas Watkins, father of Stephen D., was born on
November 15, 1748, and died July 28, 1816. He married Magdaline
Dupuy, daughter of Jno. Bartholomew Dupuy (Huguenot). The
mother of W. Lafayette, was Sarah H., daughter of Peter Dupuy. She


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was born January 20, 1800, and died on August 14, 1864. Her father
was born July 1, 1760, and died August 29, 1826. Her mother was
Margaret Martin, born November 6, 1768, died July 18, 1852.

Mr. Watkins received a collegiate education at William and Mary
College, whence he was graduated on July 4, 1843. He studied law
under Judge Thomas S. Gholson, of Petersburg, and received license to
practice in 1846. Since that time he has followed the profession of law
continuously, practicing in Dinwiddie and adjoining counties and
Court of Appeals. He has been two terms city attorney for Petersburg,
and six years a member of the city council. His first wife was Maria S.
Hall, born at Fredericksburg, Virginia, June 4, 1833, and died September
21, 1864, aged thirty-one years. Their children were seven, of
whom there are living two sons: Thomas G. and John D., and one
daughter, Sally H., now the wife of Dr. M. L. Wood, of Montgomery,
Alabama. Mr. Watkins married secondly, at Petersburg, October 9,
1866, Eliza Stringfellow, daughter of Rev. Horace Stringfellow, she was
born at Washington, D. C., on September 19, 1845.