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CDLII. Ralph Hamour. A Petition to Sir Francis Wyatt and the Council May 30, 1624

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CDLII. Ralph Hamour. A Petition to Sir Francis Wyatt
and the Council
May 30, 1624

Manuscript Records Virginia Company, III, pt. ii, p. 61
Document in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
List of Records No. 678
To the honoble: Sr Francis Wyatt knight etc and the rest of Counsell of Estate
in Virginia.

The humble Petion of Ralph Hamour

[30] Wheras yor petioner as well for monies aduentured in ye generall
stocke of ye compa, as for transporting diuers seruant of his owne Charge,
is to take vp a great quantity of land in Virginia, as also had a p̱ticular
patent fro' ye Compa in England for a great plantation, as by the printed
booke may appeare, wch patent was burnt in the Masacre, And for as much
as yor peticioner hath been a planter in Virginia, theise fifteene yeares, &
now a purpose to settle a plantacion already begune vpon an Island,
Called Hogg Island, In wch Iland mr Robert Euers is by patent, granted
about sixe yeares since by Sr Yardly knight then Gouernor of Virginia,
to take 490 acres wch tell this time hee hath wholy neglected, & by vertue
of the said patent laeth Claime to ye whole Island, Concerneing by estima-
tion no lesse then 2000 Acres, my humble request is yt ye said mr Euers
may be sum̄oned to appeare before this Court, to make proofe of his title
of land in this Island, & also be ordred to Cause his 490 Acres to be
servaide, & made a Choice of in some one part of ye Island not already
Cleared & seated vpon, that so no doubt or scrupple of a good or sure title
in the said Island, may be any hindrance for the plantacion therof, being
euery way Comodious for the generall Colony in Virginia, & that it would
further please this Court, Mr Euers haueing first made Choice of his land,
to Confirme the rest of the said Island to yor petitioner, in p̱te of his
shares of land due to him, excepting also that parcell of land Cleered by
Sowthampton hundred Company, & yor peticioner wilbe bound to plant &
seate vpon the said Island wthin these two yeres, so many persons, as ther
shall apeare, vpon the suruaie of the said Island to bee single shares of
land, I hope the reasonablenes of my request shall obtaine all lawfull fauor


& furtherance the rather in respect the Company in England by ther
patent granted me under ther great seale, gaue me liberty to make
Choice of any land, not actually inhabited nor laid out for perticular
deuidents And I shall eur, as I haue hitherto faithfully, Endeauor ye good
& p̳sperytie of this plantacion

James Citty May the 30th 1624

See the Court holden the 28th of June 1624 & the 20th of June and the last
of May next p̢ceeding