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CXCIV. Privy Council. Order to the Virginia Company October 24, 1621
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CXCIV. Privy Council. Order to the Virginia Company
October 24, 1621

(1) Privy Council Register, James I, Volume V, Page 173 (New Number). (2) Colo-
nial Entry Book, Volume 79, Pages 201, 202

Document in (1) Privy Council Office, London. (2) Public Record Office, London
List of Records No. 272

[171] Att Whitehall the 24th of October, 1621

Lo: Archbishopp of Canterburie

Lo: Keeper  Mr Treasurer 
Lo: Treasurer  Mr Secretarie Calvert 
Lo: President  Mr of the Rolles 
Lo: Carew  Sr Richard Weston 

[173] Whereas the King's most excellent Matie duely waighing in his
princely iudgement the great advantages both of honor and profitt wch
this Crowne and state might receiue from a setled and well ordered plan-
tation in Virginia was graciously pleased for the better encouragement
and furtherance of the vndertakers therein to grant vnto them sundrie
verie Large im̃unities and priviledges, as not doubting but that they
would apply themselues vnto such courses as might most firmely incorpo-
rate that plantation vnto this Com̃onwealth and be most beneficiall to the
same, wch will best be done if the Com̃odities brought from thence were
appropriated vnto his Mats subiects and not com̃unicated to forraine


Countries but by way of Trade and com̃erce from hence onely. Foras-
much as their Lop̃ps having beene informed that the said Undertakers
haue for private respects setled their Magazin of Com̃odities to be brought
from Virginia in a forraine Countrie wch course in noe wise is to be suffered,
neither in policie nor for the honor of the State (that being but a Colonie
derived from hence), as also for that it may be a losse vnto his Matie in
his Customes, if not the hazarding of the Trade wch in future times is well
hoped may be of much profitt vse and importance to this Com̃onwealth,
Their Lop̃ps were for these and sundry other reasons of state, and vpon full
hearing of the foresaid vndertakers now the second time called to the
Board, thought fitt and accordingly ordered that from henceforth all
Tobacco and other com̃odities whatsoeuer to be brought and traded from
the foresaid plantation shall not be carried into any forraine parts vntill
the same have beene first Landed here and his Mats Customes paid there-
fore. Neverthelesse for that the Factors of the Merchants now abroad
cannot soe suddainely haue notice hereof, and that they may haue time
to vent those com̃odities wch att this present they may haue in forraine
parts, Their Lop̃ps were pleased to respite the execution of this present
order for foure Moneths, wch time being expired their Lop̃ps pleasure is
the same should be duely kept and observed