University of Virginia Library


Scene XIII.

Florus and Lelius.
Sir, whoever
You may be, it doth import me
To know who you are directly;
So at every risk I come here,
On this resolute quest determined.
Say who are you.

If the accident
Of my having been the observer
Of your secret love, compels you
To this valorous aggression,
More than it can you concern
Me to know, it doth concern me
To know you; for to be curious
Is far less than to be jealous.
Yes, by Heaven! for who is master
Of the house have I to learn here,
Who it is at such an hour,
By this balcony ascending,
Gaineth that which I lose weeping
At these gratings.

This excelleth,
Good, in faith, is it thus to dim
The clear light of my resentment,
By attributing to me
That which solely your offence is!—
Who you are I have to know,
Death to give to him who has left me
Dead with jealousy here, by coming
From this balcony.

How excessive,


How superfluous is this caution,
Proving what it would dissemble!

Vainly would the tongue untangle
That which the keen sword can better
Thus cut through.

With it I answer.

[They fight.
In this way I'll know for certain
Who is the admitted lover
Of Justina.

My intention
Is the same. I'll die or know you.