University of Virginia Library


—A Wood.
The statue of Odin in the centre; before it an altar prepared for sacrifice. Enter procession of sacrifice, in the following order: —Danish Chief, with a body of Danish Soldiers; a body of Danish Chiefs, and Amund, Edric, and Guthrum; a body of Danish Priests; Assistants with torches; Boys carrying censers; one Boy with a cushion, on which the knife of sacrifice is laid; Chief Priest of Odin; Oswith; a body of Danish Soldiers. The procession marches to the following chorus:—
Prepare the faggot—light the brand—
The victim's ready for the God!
The knife is bare in the sacred hand,
That on the altar pours the blood!
Great Odin's rites
The mortal who slights,
His roof shall blaze in peace—his spear shall break in war!

Saxon! Thou hast of life a moment yet
At thy command—Use it for life!—for love!—
For liberty! But say the word, at once


The weapon, ready for thy blood, is sheath'd,
Unstain'd and harmless!

I'm prepared to die!


I come!

Come! Bare his breast! Odin, receive thy victim!

[Rushing in.]
Oswith, I wed thee thus!

[She is on the point of plunging the dagger into her heart; Oswith bursts from the Priest and arrests her arm.
Hold, Ina, hold!
Thou shalt not die with Oswith!

Oswith, live!
Although the God himself demanded him,
He shall not die who saves my Ina's life!

The servants of the God protect his rights!

Danish Soldiers.
[Rushing in.]
The Saxon's in the camp, and down upon us!

Press on—press on—the first that comes to blows
Is the king's 'squire! Press on!

[The Danes front the stage on which the Saxons are coming, who enter, headed by Alfred. Danes are driven off; Alfred and Guthrum engage; Guthrum is disarmed.
Guthrum, live
The friend of Alfred! Serve the God he serves!
To wear a crown, thou need'st not fight for one,
Except to keep it! Fair Northumbria
Receives thee for her king—My queen and son!

[Oddune leads on Elswith and Ethelred.
Enter Egbert and Edric, guarded.
Who's he?

A traitor to our cause, my lord—
Whose sword has made more havoc 'mongst our people,
Than any ten of your foes! His hand, accurst,
It was that fired the hold where slept your queen
And son.

Ken. and others.
Despatch him!

Hold! This victory
I will perpetuate by such an act
As shall from future kings remove the power
To make their public functions pander to
Their private gust! Select twelve men, his peers,
And swearing them upon the book of God,
As they shall answer at the judgment-day,
To try their prisoner fairly, let the charge
Be brought before them; and as they decide,
Be finally his innocence or guilt
Establish'd. Hence! Hereby shall private right,
Which, guarded, fortifieth, more than arms,


The conservator of the public weal,
Be sacred even from the sceptre's touch!
Thus to a people faithful to their king,
A faithful king an institution gives
That makes the lowly cottage lofty as
The regal dome—holds justice paramount
Of all—before her throne the peasant and
The king himself on equal footing brings!—
A gift which you'll preserve for ever whole!
From which, as from your blood, pollution keep!
Which, if you're ask'd to render back, by all
You owe yourselves, your country, and the throne,
You'll answer no! Which, when you'd name, you'll call
Trial by Jury!

Great the victory
That kings gain o'er themselves. Blest are the heads
That bow to sway like thine!

My countrymen!
Sons of the sea—henceforth her restless plain
Shall be your battle-field! There shall you meet
The threat'ning storm of war! There shall it burst,
Its rage unfelt at home—its din unheard!
You've fought like England's true-born sons, to-day!
You've taught a lesson to her sons to come!
By your example fired, should e'er a foe
In after-times invade her envied shores,
Her sons, of all descriptions and degrees,
To succour her, shall grapple soul and hand;
Rampart her throne with living walls of hearts,
And teach the fell invader that the sea
Embraced her, never to betray her glory!