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Rosmunda, Ildovaldo.
Here have the heavens themselves
Sent thee to me; come, Ildovaldo, come,
The avenger of my wrongs; the minister
Of thy eternal joy, and my revenge,
I hope, at once, to make thee. By Romilda,
Loving, thou'rt loved; I know the whole, nor blame it;
But transport inexpressible from thence
Rather derive. But thou dost not yet know
That the perfidious Almachilde, he
For whom thou hast such difficulties braved,
For whom, to-day, confronted death and dangers,


That very Almachilde, to thyself
Ungrateful, and to me perfidious,
Himself Romilda loves.

Ah, miscreant!
He by my hand shall die.

Nor doth he love her
With lukewarm passion; no; for he betrays
For her each sacred duty; stands prepared
For violence the most extravagant:
He boasts of this excess, and I believe him.
'Tis true Romilda hates him fervently;
'Tis true that she, this instant, swore to him
Eternal hate; and, in my presence, swore,
At the same time, to thee eternal love;
For thy sake, she profess'd that death seemed easy ...
But Almachilde, though he heard her words,
Was not discouraged. Rather he derives
From every obstacle a fresh incentive.—
Who will restrain him if thou dost not do it?
I hope to find in thy persisting ardour
A prevalent hindrance to his base desires:
This to thyself thou owest; and to this
Do my commands excite thee.—I desist
From every other project for Romilda;
She is no longer Alaric's, but thine;
I will that she be thine. My ancient hate
Yields to this more engrossing enmity;
May she with thee be happy; take her thou;
And from my eyes eternally remove her.

Is then Romilda mine? Exquisite joy!
Whence could I not with this arm rescue her? ...
Is she then mine?—But who meanwhile fulfils
My unaccomplished vengeance?


Go, collect
Thy faithful partizans; arm them forthwith;
Menace, deceive, use force: at all events
Rescue thy lady from the miscreant's hands;
But leave to my discretion final vengeance.
First let the guilty traitor see his prey
Snatched from his grasp; first in his rival's arms
Let him behold her placed; and at the sight
Let him despair, and impotently chafe ...

What? Is Romilda in his arms already?

He is forestall'd; yet is he not less bold,
Nor less a lover than thyself ...

He is
In all things my inferior.

Thou shouldst then
Prevent him, and delude him. To thy choice
I leave all projects; I would not expose
Thy passion to a dubious issue.

Is irksome to me; for in fraud alone
Could Almachilde conquer me. Meanwhile
Watch thou o'er him; I to the camp repair,
There arm my forces, and, ere it be long,
Return here to Romilda.

Quick; dispatch;
Reflect on all things, and for all provide;
And be alike in mind and body arm'd:
Thou'rt a true lover. Go, fly hence, return.