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Thomas À Becket

A Dramatic Chronicle. In Five Acts

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A Walk in the Labyrinth.
Enter a Physician blindfold, led by Gabel.

Am I to go much farther in the dark?


Only one other round, and a quirk, Sir.


Bless me I think I have gone as many as
an ass in a mill!—This muffling is worse than that of a
Moorish damsel, for she at least has the use of her eyes:
mine are no more use to me than if they were glazed with
green lead like a stuffed owl's.



Come on, doctor: don't hurt that post with your
head. What a pity!


Pity! pity you didn't speak a little sooner!—
Pity forsooth?


Ay, pity on my life Sir, that such a learned head
as yours should have got such a crack!


Take care it happen not again, or thy own
numbskull shall get a crack, and that about the nape of
the neck too!—'Tis hanging-matter to mistreat a man of
my importance, let me assure thee.


Lord, Sir, are you a man of importance? I never
could ha' guessed it!—Come on again—Stoop, Sir, like a
goose under a gate, stoop!

Scene changes to an Inner Court. Re-enter Physician and Gabel.

You are to stand here, Sir, awhile, by yourself,
please you Master man of importance!


What, still in the dark!


Why yes, doctor; every dunce can stand in the
dark—'tis only shutting your eyes and looking straight
forward before you. It is my way, and a shrewd one,
trust me.


I do believe thou art skilful in standing i' the
dark!—Get thee gone, for a perfect dunce! and send me
a leader who is not absolute knave as well.

If he is to be found, with all haste doctor!

Pestiferous lout!—There is in simple-hood
Ofttimes a sleek-soft, sleepy cunningness
Which moves more bile than roguery direct.
But I 've that here perchance will bring ye begging
To Charity's bleak door, from this warm berth,
For swine's soup and black bread!—I can avenge
My sovereign-queen and self at the same time;


'Tis good craft to hit two birds with one bolt,
Though but a sparrow and a cock o' the woods.—
Mum! I hear ringing footsteps on the stones,
Heavy as hammers' clang; some horse curvets
Hither upon two legs—

Enter Fier-à-bras.
Physician, follow me.

What! in these winkers,
Clamped on me, like a hoop about a hogshead?

Take this strong rein into thy hand: now follow!

O Avicen! thy son playing bo-peep!—
Hold fast, good sir, or I shall fall on my sinciput.
