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Enter Philo and Citizens.
How say you my Masters, who shall make the Speech?
So many of us, and not one gifted brother?

2. Cit.
Time was I could have done my part: The Prince
(And no disparagement) might have heard it too.

And ne're the wiser—

3. Cit.
Troth my Pump is dry:

This is your drinking—I have often told you;

1. Cit.
Have but a little patience, yonder's one
Will end the controversie; do but observe
How hard he wrings, and squeezes; somewhat's coming:

What? he with that Parenthesis about his mouth?
By no means Gentlemen, 'tis ominous:
What ever comes between't, may be left out.

4. Cit.
I'm satisfy'd—'Tis but a good Speech lost:
Good Master Philo be that Office yours.


A Philo, A Philo, Philo, Philo,

I, now the matter's mended.

Give't him—Give't him.

Well—if I must—what remedy?

They give him the petition
He comes:

Enter Basilius.
Save you most worthy Sir—I am commanded
By the Inhabitants, and Citizens
Of this great City, to present you this,
And beg your favour and assistance in't.

(delivers the Roll Basilius reads to himself.
1. Cit.
Hang the rogue how he trowls it out;

2. Cit.
His tongue runs on wheels.

In troth my Masters 'tis a noble thing;
And well advis'd: Nay and becoming men
That love their Country: But I'm half afraid
He'll not accept it; He's so humble minded
You'll hardly draw him to't: Howe're I'll try:

We thank your Honour.

1. Cit.
I hope you will prevail.

2. Cit.
I should be sorry else.

5. Cit.
So should I that er'e I set my hand to't.

Enter Andronicus.
Stand off—He comes himself:
Long live your Highness.

Long live the Founder of our Liberty:

I thank you Gentlemen, But may I serve you?

Long live the publick Father; Live Andronicus.

My Lord, these Gentlemen (both in their own
And friends behalf) have made me promise 'um.
That I'd present you this (delivers the Roll)
Nor must your Highness

Make me denyal; Their request is short:
That you'd be pleas'd to ease Alexius's years,
By bearing half the burden of the Crown:
Nor do I think you will disdain a part,
Though you deserve the whole—And thus of old
The Roman Senate to Marcellus joyn'd,


Delaying Fabius; Age, and Youth together:
A wholesome mixture, where the one brought eyes,
The other hands; This, action, He, advice:
Thus must the body of the Gretian state,
Be wisely temper'd, lest we rue't too late;

What kind of voyce is this I hear? my friends
Either forget, or know not what they ask;
Joynt Emperor!—were there no Treason in't,
I must not hearken to't; who would be clog'd
With gieves, though made of gold; for such are Crowns,
Or stoop to take one up, that knew the weight of't:
Crowns are thick set with cares; for every gem,
An hundred doubts, and troubles; nor are their ermin
More spotted than their fate; whil'st privacy
Lyes low ('tis true) but yet that low, is safe:
Thunder plows up the Hills, when Valleys scape;
And rives tall Cedars, when the Shrubs go free;
Sleep dwells in Cottages, not thrones; content,
In humble cells; whilst greatness is at odds
With every thing; nay, and its self to boot:
Let others grasp at all, and by great pains,
Aspire to greater: Let 'um vex the world,
They but disquiet themselves; he only lives,
That's beneath envy, and above contempt:
Be it enough that I have serv'd my Country
Thus long; That I have freed her from the Yoke,
Broke all her fetters:—You have had my youth;
Let me enjoy my age: 'Twere too severe
To have had one, and yet deny me to'ther.

That was well hinted Master. Excellent fox!

Andronicus, Andronicus, Long live Andronicus.

5. Cit.
We've brought our selves into a dainty nooze.

1. Cit.
Good Sir perswade him.

I must not leave your Highness so:
Whom can Greece think more worthy than your self?
Where should she pay most, but where most is owing?
Let me prevail, my Lord, this day shall be
Writ in a scarlet Text, since hence we date


The happiness, and new birth day of the state.

'Tis strange my friends that you should preess me thus,
And put my modesty to a blush—Can Greece
So far forget her self? Can Greece (so full
Of able Statesmen) Greece o'reshoot her self?
Who hath bewitcht thee? with what spectacles
Didst thou look on my merit? that th'ast made
So fair a letter in so small a print?
Andronicus deserve a Crown! Alas!
Greece is mistook—I have one foot i'th' Grave,
And can you think it sightly to behold
The other in a Throne—No—Graves, and Thrones,
Hold least proportion;—You say you love me;
Shew't now—and dazle not those eyes agen
Which I thought shut to vanity—I am
Content, and what can Providence add more?
Not that I tell you this as I were lazy,
Or sullen, or refus'd to serve my Country;
Far be it from me; No; we were not born,
To live like Hedgehogs, rowl'd in our own down,
And turn out bristles to all the world besides:
Yet must we dye t'our selves, and so let me,
Whose age may challenge a writ of ease; and crave
Leave of the world to let me mind my Grave.

Andronicus, Andronicus, Long live Andronicus.

Tis all in vain to press him now—we'll find
Some other time when he shall not deny us.

Exeunt with a shout. Manet And.
What is this giddy multitude? This beast
Of many heads? This thing Vox populi?
It can do all; As much, or more than Fate,
Raise, and pull down; make, and annihilate;
Yet see! How easie 'tis to cast a gloss
Before those vulgar eyes, those leaden souls
Begotten in a dream;—
Ex traduce:
How natural is it for sire to climb?
And could they think a man; nay more, a Prince;
Born near a Crown, of such a frozen spirit


That Empire could not thaw? Come, come, I must
Play my Cards handsomely; and though I yield
(As who would not) make 'um believe it is
Through importunity, not my desire;
I'll slip the Vizard first, then let it hang,
Till it fall off, of't self—Thus while they wooe,
I'll have my ends, and they beholding too.
