University of Virginia Library

Scene. 2.

Paris, Adamas: encounter:
In your absence, Leonida hath been here,
With reverence.
VVith such a haste as might beget a feare.

Pray heav'n the Nymph be well; where is she gone?

To yonder Plain she bent her course, alone,
As I suppose her self to recreate
In rural Pastimes innocent Debate,
Till your return;

Haste, it to let her know.
And in thy search, Paris, be not too slow;—
Exit Paris.
I am in pain, till I the Subject hear
Leonida appears: He embraces her:
Of her arrive; and scarce delay can bear;
So unexpected! how Fares the Nymph?


If by your happier hand that Fate's not crost.

Be brief;

Oh sir! I've scarcely had the time
To know my self, since I disclos'd a Crime
Scarce hatch'd, from the Authors own glorying tongue.
From which, perhaps, our Ruines might gave sprung.
As in my way, daies heat did me invade,
I sought the shelter of a milder shade;
Where being no sooner laid, a voice I heard,
VVhich I well knew, though nought of him appear'd.
It was Polemas, Lyndamors Rival,
Their Love to Galatea's known to all.
Polemas guilty of his own Desert,
His slighted Courtship did at length convert
To Stratagem; such, suspected of none,
Till now to me, unseen, It was made known.
While Clemanthe, (his Instrument) declares
Him the procession of their false affaires.
I blush to speak it; It was in this wise;
In Hermits habit, he did him disguise;
Nigh us, betakes him to a lonely Cell;
'Twere too tedious, each circumstance to tell;
How (when the Nymph did thither oft repair,
As she intends, to sanctifie her praier.)
This Impostor did strangely us beguile;
In sum, as he could wish, so throve his wyle;
The Nymph with Faith he did possess, that she
Should see that man, which should her husband be,
If she would happyness enjoy; if not,
Foretells, sh' incurres a miserable Lot.


The Place he did discover in a glass:
Appoin'ts the Time, and Person, Polemas,
Who should have us incounter'd there; But he
Failing his Time; our well-led Charity
Succurred an half drown'd Shepherd, in whom,
Galatea, prepossess'd, beleeves her Doom;
But the inamor'd Shepherd doth reject
Her Flames, seeming some other to respect:
Yet she 'gainst Honor, Reason, or his Hate,
Vowes to inthrone him in her Bed, and State.
Yet my commission bids not this declare;
Sir, he's fal'n sick; which threats a new despair;
In whose Succor I'me sent t'implore your aid;
Which cannot, but by miracle, be allaid;
Save him; or save him not; such is her Doom;
Her Honor, or her Self you must intombe.

Do not despair, these clowds I'le quickly clear.

To herself.

Alas? my own love painteth thus my Fear!