University of Virginia Library


scena secūnda

Its tyme I trowe here has bene a pratlinge wt h thes olde fooles
get ye hence wt h a whott murrian to yow all three
that old lyzarde has no more witt then ye wethercocke of poles
a shame take him had he none to make his packehorse but me
I had not worse lucke of a day I can not tell whan
must that olde cokes tell him this newes wt h a pestlens
I was curst I thinke truly when that messadge I begann
Its now out it can never be kept more in silence
This has bene kepte in hugger mugger a good while
there has bene blind tauke of another sonne I dare say this seven yeare
but what saist thou to thy selfe Cacurgus hast thou no wile
ah ha it shall go harde but ere we slepe weile haue somewhat heare
Ile trust all curmugingly foxes worse for his sake
ant had bene happy I might haue given him his aunswere & sent him away
an he will not deny it againe his arse shall surely quake
I will make the olde trot beleue hir scinn I will flay

Did no man mete will sommer here this way alate
I haue longed to tauke wt h the counterfett foole this sennitt

Will sommer nay nor will winter nether tell ye Ile none of that
yeist call me by my christen name or Ile not aunswer by S Bennitt.

What art thou so neare Cacurgus I had thought thou hadst not harde
what newes canst thou tell me of now my old childe.

Heavy newes for yow I can tell yow of a cowlinge carde
it will make yow plucke in your hornes an yow were near so wilde


Plucke in my hornes sais thou he pluckes in my hornes has good lucke
I over came my father man here wt h all his fronte

I faith I knowe a thinge will coule yow & ye weare near such a wild bucke
ites no matter for your father yow must bide yet a worse brunte

Thers near a golia in this shire that shall scare me
my harte is even bige inoughe man to fight wt h a score

Ther will be in this shire shortly that will go near to mare yow
and yow take not hede I tell yow ile tourne yow out a dore

He that can doe that Cacurgus is not in Italia
but tell me who thou meanest wt hout more a dow.

He that will doe that Misogonus is in Apolonia
thers one I tell yow that will quickly yow cowe

And if he were a giaunt coulde scarsly bringe me vnder
but name him that for him my selfe I may prepare

** if leaue such wardes its but a folly thus to thunder
[Yo]ur brother your brother your fathers sonne & heire

***s thou me of a brother thou knowst I haue none
***[n]y come and say heis my brother Ile cutes weason

****** knowe yes y[ou knowe y]our selfe yow h[ave one]
******* [ye can else the land is surely hesown]

go go go go gogees what treacherye haue we here
what villan was he that tolde my father of this

He that tolde him and it had pleased god I would he had layde oth beare
an old crabtre fast carle because a sowe he did misse


I haue harde a whisperinge of such a thinge I must neds confesse
what thinkst thou I hope its but a tale of a tubb

whether he be aliue or no I know not ye had one ites questionles
Yf he be Liturgus bringes him as sure as a clubb

What is Liturgus gone for him, Soule what shall I then do
Ile colefeke him my selfe forte come onte what will

Why knew yow not that; he went forward a fortnit a go
ites not best for yow to fight lest ye one another kill

What shoulde I doe then Cacurgus what remedy is left
my hart woulde even burste for anger, if I should so be servid

I woude worke some wilde if I caud cath the olde mithers eft
if I take him right heist ha that he hath deserved

But what shall I be better canst thou him defeet
helpe me now Cacurgus & while thou livest thoust never lacke

What if the deds of his landes I gett away wt h a fleete
yow nede not care a pinn if yow hate in white & blacke

Fy their vnder a dosinn lockes thou canst never them gett
trye some other way rather if thou hast opportunitye

Get yow hense & lett me alone I will play some fett
I will worke him some displeasure be boulde & that spedye

I will repare to hir then a while from whence I came
and come see the againe wt hin lesse then an houre

Yf that old neet should scape scotfree for this it were a shame
Ile dust him fort one day if ere it lye in my power.