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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. V.

The Argument.

The church in sprite,
Maketh sute aright,
for all opprest in payne
Here Christ aduanceth
His heritaunce
the Iewes he blamth agayne.

Verba mea


Expend O Lord: my plaint of worde,
in griefe that I do make:
My musing mind: recount most kind
geue eare for thine owne sake.


O harke my grone: my crying mone,
my king, my God thou art:
Let me not stray: from thee away,
to thee I pray in hart.


My voyce and vowe: thou wilt alowe,
betymes O Lord so free:
In spring of day: I thee will pray,
and shall looks vp to thee.


This I may vow: the God art thou,
which hatest all wickednes:
No malice fell, with thee can dwell,
thou louest no cruelnes.
Such foolish spite: can bide no sight,
of thy good louely face:
Thou doost defie: their vanitie,
who wickednes embrace.
Thou shalt destroy: and them annoy,
with lies who shame thy worde:
Bloudthirsty men: which crafty renne,
the Lord hath them abhorde.



Iust will I go: thy house into,
in trust of thy great grace:
In feare I will: do honour still,
against that holy place.


O Lord be guide: defend my side,
in thy great righteousnesse:
Make playne the way: lesse I do stray,
my foes shall brag the lesse.


Their mouthes expresse: no faithfulnesse,
theyr holow hartes be vayne:
Wide throte they haue: as open graue,
theyr tonge but lyes do fayne.


Destroy their thought: O God for nought,
theyr owne wayes be theyr shame:
Expell them out: in lies so stout,
who thus blaspheme thy name.


Let them reioyce: that trust thy voyce,
aye thankes they shall extend:
Who loue thy name: shall ioye the same,
thou doost so them defend.


Thou Lord wilt than: geue rightwise man,
the heauenly blisse from thence:
Thy fauour kynde: is not behynde,
as them with shield to fence.