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Chiefly Written in Retirement, By John Thelwall; With Memoirs of the Life of the Author. Second Edition

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To Stella.

Feb. 8, 1797.
When kind Hope, at seasons smiling,
Tells of changing fortune nigh—
When gay Fancy, sweetly guiling,
Whispers of approaching joy,
Then my thoughts, by Love directed,
To my Stella's bosom flee;
And the flattering boon expected,
Hopes its worth from pleasing thee.
Or when Fortune, sadly glooming,
Threats with storms of hovering woes,
Fancy still, thy form assuming,
Grief's increasing pang bestows.
Every rude assault of anguish
This undaunted breast can bear;
But shall Stella droop and languish?—
Every shaft can wound me there!