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Constance De Castile

A Poem, in Ten Cantos. By William Sotheby

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XIII. Fairy Song.
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XIII. Fairy Song.

“Softly blow the wreathed shell,
Wind the ocean melody!
Sea-gods! answering to my spell,
Cleave the liquid canopy!
Rise! with tuneful conch and song
Lead the charmed bark along.
Answer from your coral cave,
Sea-maids! who in season fair
Warbling on the glassy wave,
Braid with pearl your yellow hair!
Nymphs! responsive to my lay
Rise! and smooth with song the way.—


Welcome, to the fairy shore!
Bear the King to charmed bowers
Crown'd with wreath of elfin flowers!
Ocean-choir! your charge is o'er:
Long as Echo holds the strain,
Dance, like sun-beams, on the main,
Or moon, in morris of the night
Silvering the sea with gleams of light!”