University of Virginia Library

Soul reverenced men! Receive th'applauding strain,
Which kings and conquerors might desire in vain.
To you, a distant brother leads the song,
Which thousands join, in chorus loud and long.
'Mid climes that never heard Messiah's praise,
Aspire the Standard of the Cross to raise,
With new delight, proclaim their ransom near,
Go! and a Temple to your Maker rear!
Whilst there are lands, and tribes that countless be,
Who never joy'd to hear our jubilee,
Who never knew the Christian's rich repast,
Pardon and Peace, and hope of Heaven at last,
Strive in the glorious conflict undismay'd,
March boldly, in supernal strength array'd,
Still fearless on the Word of Promise rest,
And trust the more for doubts that haunt your breast.