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What, not a word for thee, O little tome,
Brown-jerkined, friendly-faced—of all my books
The one that wears the quaintest, kindliest looks—
Seems most completely, cosily at home,
Amongst its fellows. Ah! if thou couldst tell
Thy story—how, in sixteen, fifty three,
Good Master Marriott, standing at his door,
Saw Anglers hurrying—fifty—yea, three score,
To buy thee, ere noon pealed from Dunstan's bell:—
And how he stared and .. shook his sides with glee.
One story, this, which fact or fiction weaves.
Meanwhile, adorn my shelf, beloved of all—
Old book! with lavender between thy leaves,
And twenty ballads round thee on the wall.

1653, the date of the publication of the ‘Compleat Angler,’ in St. Dunstan's Church-yard.