University of Virginia Library



Go, year of blood! that from thy harvesting
To cruel snow-time, in the hapless land
That groans, defenceless, 'neath a tyrant's hand
In hated bondage, hast conspired to bring
Death to her thousands, and with wanton wing
Hast the infernal fires of Discord fann'd!
—Pass into Nothingness, abhorr'd and bann'd,
And held, henceforth, for an accursèd thing!
Men shall but speak of thee with bated breath,
The slave, for fear; lest what hath been may be;
The Ruler, on his throne, for very shame,
And lest Imperial pow'r be done to death
Because of those foul deeds condoned by thee
Whereof the record makes us loathe thy name!
31st December 1895.