University of Virginia Library


X. The Daily Service.

Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

And are we then alone on holy ground,
Most gracious Father? Are we then alone,
Because the world regards not, and is gone?
Where are the solemn dead which lie around,
Are they not with us? Are thy courts not crown'd
With spiritual hosts about, while the sweet tone
Still lingers round thine altars? Are they flown,
Bearing no more to see their God disowned?
Has the great Michael left us, mighty arm,
Gabriel, our fortitude, and the blest charm
Of Raphael's healing name? In my heart's fear
I heard a voice, “Be still, and lowly bend;
While two or three remain, thy Lord is here,
And where His presence is, His Hosts attend.”