University of Virginia Library


“The Days that are no more”

The torpid night has filled the languid air
With breath of roses lulled with dew to sleep,
The murmurous bees are housed in honeyed lair,
And nothing wakes except the hearts that weep.
O days that are no more, seen down long aisles
And avenues of time, where trembling light
Dimples the world with universal smiles,
In home, in childhood, when all care was slight;
O days that are no more, come yet again!
Come with your snowy drapery and your dream!
Waft me the fragrance of your summer rain,
Bring me your flowers, unveil your morning beam!
Come yet again! . . . But there shall never be
Such days again; for these no sweetness store,
These do not come with happiness to me,
These are not like the days that are no more!