University of Virginia Library


Coifi, the priest of King Edwin, likened the life of man
To the coming of a sparrow, with snow and stormwind wan,
Out of the frost and the darkness into the warmth and light
Of the great hall of the King's house upon a wassail-night.
And after a moment's sojourn, type of the life of men,
Into the frost and the darkness fluttering out again.
We sprang from the womb of darkness and she takes back her own,
And who knoweth whence we issued, or whither we have gone?
Like the brief flight of a sparrow upon a wintry night,
Out of the frost and the darkness into the warmth and light,
Is the advent of a stranger in the back blocks out west,
Here to-night and gone to-morrow, after food, roof, and rest.
Just riding up to the homestead upon a tired horse,
And asking for a night's lodging that's granted as of course:
A shaking of hands and supper, a smoke, a yarn, and bed—
Then saddle and ere the sun's up, the guest has gone, Godsped.