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Ah! Lesbia, by that name at last
Love calls you, for Catullus' sake!
The million kisses of the past
Are pledge of millions yet, to slake
His thirst unquenchable, who lies
Beside the quenchless depth of those dear eyes.
Lie closer, Girl! how silent, dark,
Is this withdrawn abode of love!
Some far-off murmurings only mark,
Where restless human beings move
Along the gas-lit, midnight, street:
Oh! what delicious silence, darkness, Sweet!
Even our love, that scarce might find
One short, fierce, rapturous, hour ago,
Words wild enough to speak its mind;
Light clear enough our joys to show:
Even Love's self has sunk to rest,
As a tired child, twixt close-drawn breast and breast.
Over his head our lips may meet,
Yet soundless in the kiss they frame!
And, as our souls in union greet
His presence, still they breathe no name!
In the deep heart of heaven, where wells
God's central spring, 'tis Silence only dwells.

Published in the “Hobby Horse” Vol. V. p. 111
