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A True History Of several Honourable Families of the Right Honourable Name of Scot

In the Shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk, and others adjacent. Gathered out of Ancient Chronicles, Histories, and Traditions of our Fathers. By Capt. Walter Scot, An old Souldier, and no Scholler, And one that can Write nane, But just the Letters of his Name

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To the truely Worthy Honourable and Right Worshipful Sir Francis Scot of Thirlston Knight-Baronet, wishes Earths Honour and Heavens Happiness.

This Book, good Sir, the Issue of my Brain,
Though far unworthy of your worthy view,
In hope ye gently it will intertain,
Yet I in duty offer it to you;
Although the Method and the Phrase be plain,
Not Art, like Writ, as to the Stile is due,
And truth I know your favour will obtain;
The many favours I have had from you,
Hath forc'd me thus to show my thankful Mind,
And of all faults I know no vice so bad,
And hateful as ungratefully inclin'd;
A thankful Heart is all a poor mans Wealth,
Which with this Book I give your worthy self:
I humbly crave your Worthiness excuse,
This boldness of my poor unlearned Muse,
That hath presum'd so high a pitch to fly,
In praise of Vertue and Gentility:
I know this Task's most fit for learned men,
For Homer, Ovid, or for Virgil's Pen;
These Lines I have presum'd to Dite,
It's known to your Honour I could never Write.
Your Honours most obedient Servant, WALTER SCOT of Satchels .