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Basia Joannis Secundi Nicolai Hagensis

or The Kisses of Joannes Secundus Nicolaius of the Hague. In Latin and English Verse. With the Life of Secundus, and a Critic upon his Basia. Adorn'd with a Cut of the Author, and another of his Mistress Julia, engrav'd by the famous Bernard Picart the Roman [by George Ogle]

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Translated by Mr. Ward.

Fair as Phæbe's silver Light!
As the Star of Venus Bright!
Give me an Hundred Kisses o'er.
Give me, ah give as large a Store,
As Lesbia to her Poet gave;
As She could grant or He receive.


One for each Grace, One for each Love,
That o'er thy Cheeks, and Bosom rove;
That on thy Lips, in ambush, lie;
Or shoot Destruction from your Eye.
As Many as the Hopes and Fears;
The bitter Joys, the pleasing Cares;
As the Extasies and Sighs,
That in Love, alternate, rise.
Give me One for ev'ry Dart,
Cupid has shot into my Heart;
For Each his Quiver yet contains;
The certain Cause of future Pains!
At ev'ry Pause sweet Talk come in;
Add soothing Words, and Smiles between!
To tender Murmurs tune your Tongue;
Each Kiss be soft, and sweet, and long.
Thus in the Spring, when Turtles woo,
They coo and bill, and bill and coo,
By Turns exchange their eager Love,
And with their Music fill the Grove.
Then dye away, in Passion drown'd;
And roll your swimming Eyes around.
Down on my Neck recline your Charms;
Softly sink into my Arms,
And sinking to your Lover say;
“Hold me—I faint, I dye away.”


Close I'll clasp Thee to my Breast,
In my fond Imbraces prest;
By one long Kiss's quick'ning Pow'r
I'll back to Life thy Soul restore.
When vanquish'd by the pow'rfull Bliss,
My Spirit breath'd into the Kiss;
Fainting away, on Thee I'll call;
“To support Me as I fall.
Eager, You, in your Arms shall seize Me,
And in your Bosom close imbrace Me.
My Soul You shall recall from Death,
And in a Kiss restore my Breath.
Thus let Us sport our Prime away;
Anst relish Pleasure while We may.
Age soon upon his sable Wing,
Care and Disease, and Death shall bring.