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The Twickenham Hotch-Potch

For the Use of the Rev. Dr. Swift, Alexander Pope, Esq.; and Company. Being a sequel to the Beggars Opera, &c. Containing, I. The State of Poetry, and Fate of Poets, in the Reign of King Charles IId. II. Seriousities and Comicalities, by Peter Henning, a Dutchman. III. Two Dozen of Infallible Maxims, for Court and City. IV. The Present War among Authors, viz. Swift, Pope, Theobald, Rolli, Voltaire, Parson B---dy, and Mr. Ozell. V. The Rival Actresses, viz. Mrs. O---d, Mrs. P---r, Mrs. B---h, Miss Y---ger and Miss Polly Peachum. VI. A Poetical Catalogue of Polly Peachum's Gallants. VII. An Epistle from Signora F---na to a Lady. VIII. A True Copy of Polly Peachum's Opera. Also, her Panegyrick. Written by Caleb D'Anvers [i.e. Nicholas Amhurst]

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III. Le Printemps rampelle aux Armes.

III. Le Printemps rampelle aux Armes.

H*b---t , my Knight, 'tis him I adore,
Without flattering:
H*b---t, my Knight, 'tis him I adore,
And will be true.
And will pray for that happy Hour,
In which he will his Flames renew.


But for fear too much should him cloy,
And cause him to loath;
But for fear too much should him cloy,
And make him loath;
What he once prized as his Joy,
And above all Things what he chose.
I shall therefore, e'er it be long,
Beg him to desist;
I shall therefore, e'er it be long,
Beg he'd desist;
And peruse the proceeding Song,
Which is the Thoughts of my throbbing Breast.