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or, Poems on Several Subjects, Never before Handled. By a Schollar [i.e. Samuel Wesley]

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An ELEGY On the untimely and much lamented Death of Poor Spot, as loving a Bitch as ever went upon two Legs, who departed this Life,
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An ELEGY On the untimely and much lamented Death of Poor Spot, as loving a Bitch as ever went upon two Legs, who departed this Life,

An. 1684.

O Spot! how dull a Dog am I,
That cannot for thy Murder cry,
Nor whimper?
Tho' thou full oft on thankless me,
Now from the ground, now from my knee
Didst simper.
How e're, accept this grateful Verse,
To pin on thy untimely Herse


Even so Renowned Bat of old,

Bat Kempster of eternal memory,—who has in like manner—(as Sternhold says) immortaliz'd the memory of Captain Narbourn's Dog, which now must live as long as Bat in spight of Envy.

A poor good-natur'd Hound condol'd,

Good-natur'd, because,—because,—'Tis but looking in the Book, and you'll know all better than I can tell you.

As I did.
Tell me, O tell me, you that know,
How Spot the higher Powers so
What was the pretty Traytor's Crime,
That her fair Dayes in Beauty's prime
Were ended?
She, ever vigilant and brisk,
Her nimble Tail around would whisk,
Like Fan. Sr.
With Umph she never went away,
But, by her mumping mean'd to say
Anan Sr.
She was not ugly, rank, nor old;
Tho' she ne'r sung, she was no Scold
Sweet-Hearts she had, Him, Him, and Him,
O Envy! Envy! O thou Limb
O th' Devil!
With Mouth and Tayl, come when you will,
She smil'd, and would endeavour still
To please ye;
Altho' 'tis true, she was not Fair,
Her Cheeks ne'r shin'd, her Muzzle ne're
Was greasie.
One fault alone in her we find;
Were she not pleas'd, she must be kind
To Neighbours;


Which brought poor Tray to a sad pass,

Tray was one of Madam Spot's most obsequious and most humble Servants, but by being so complaisant and obliging, had almost kill'd himself. This is no Tale, but a sad, Truth,—Ask all the Neighbours else.

When he, to please the Love-sick Lass,
Well, gone she is, and who can help't?
Ah! gone she is before she whelpt;
Ah cruel!
Let none at too just Sorrows scoff,
Now cross-grain'd Fate has robb'd us of
Our Jewel!
But since poor Spot must go and buss
For our brisk Lord, old Cerberus

My Lord was Tray's Successor: Of him self more, and Spot too, in the (Carmen Cynegeticon.)

So musty;
Come Lads, let's bid her all adieu,
And own ne're dy'd a Bitch more true,
And trusty!
Go Spot, to the Elysian Plain,
Go Spot, and meet thy Tray again
Far kinder!
What tho' Erynnis on thee scowl,
And make her Snakes about thee howl?
Ne're mind her.
There Spot, be ever brisk and gay;
There thou, without the Bans forbid, thy Tray
May'st marry;
In Fields gilt o're with many a Flower,
In Walks as fine as those of our
King Harry.