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Mundorum Explicatio

or, The Explanation of an Hieroglyphical Figure: Wherein are couched the Mysteries of the External, Internal, and Eternal Worlds, shewing the true progress of a Soul from the Court of Jerusalem; from the Adamical fallen state to the Regenerate and Angelical. Being A Sacred Poem, written by S. P. [i.e. Samuel Pordage]

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Arch-Prince of Angels MICHAEL; of all
Heavens brighter Legions be thou General:
Conduct our forces to Earths Orb, and there
Oppose the Dragon, bid man not to fear
His stygian crue. Do thou match Satan, and
To his dark troops oppose thy brighter band.
Maintain thou Love and Justice, 'gainst his might
Do thou with equal force and valour fight.
All heaven's Host attend thee shall, and let
Some powerful Angel o're the stars be set,
To let their male-conjunctions, and thence
For to direct their better influence
Unto the Earth: to cause the seasons due,
Unto the Earth, her pleasures to renue.
And thou Mittatron thy strong Legions place
In rank and order 'gainst Baalzebubs face:


Do you unite; whilest he doth discord move
Conjoyn thou all in amity and love.
Whilst that he causes Battails, Plagues and Dearth,
Thou peace, and health, and fructifie the earth.
Next Caphtiel 'gainst Belial thy foe,
With Myriads of brighter Angels go:
Illuminate man's minde, and make him see,
For his distraction Belial's policie:
His stranger fancies cause to vanish quite,
And of my goodnesse let him have a sight.
Go Jophiel and hinder Python's force,
Obstruct his vile infatuating source;
Exhibit truth to Man: open his eyes
That he may clearly see grosse Python's lies.
Ten thousand Legions take thou Ptsadkiel,
And bravely meet the firy Asmodel:
Be thou as well as he concomitant
With Princes, keep them that they may not vaunt
Of their high state: Let Pride and Cruelty
Be banish'd from them, let humility
Supply their place: whilst that he raiseth jars,
Cause Amity; oppose thy Peace to Wars.
Bright Prince Uriel, flags of light display,
And 'gainst Meriri with thine march away:
Stop thou his full career, and se that you
With wisdome and true happinesse endue
Man; give him eyes to see perfection
If that with us he will have union.
Cœlestial Raphiel next march thou forth
With thy brave cohorts against Astaroth:
Show thou to man our glory, and our skill,
Our abstruce secrets; with light Magic fill
Him, give him knowledge, understanding, and
Wit to eschew Astaroths subtle band:
Guard thou his health; divert the fatal knife,
And keep off all attempts against his life.
Next Haniel your Legions compleat,
Let your battalions 'gainst Abaddons meet:
With equal courage fight you band to band:
Provoke to piety, bring comfort, and


Solace: Root out Wrath's image, in its place:
He instrumental to infer my Grace.
Strong Gabriel, with courage meet thy Foe,
And with thy Troops, 'gainst mighty Mammon go:
Dissolve Man's fear, inject the fear of me,
Loose from the World his Soul, and set him free
From Avarice; exhibit to his eye
Heav'n's glorious Riches, and vast Treasury:
Observe the motions of great Mammon, fight
At every turn, with that stiff opposite.
Under your Banners to the Orb below
May brightnesses, and beams of Glory go:
Light apparitions, sweet and pleasing noyses,
Tinkling of Bells, and other sacred voyces,
For to attract the mind, to our bless'd Sphear,
T'expel Teares, sadnesse, and disturbing Fear.
Let every Country have a Guardian:
And let a Genius wait on every Man.
Give way, and let these Princes Congregate,
Who with your help will Man felicitate,
And bravely strive with all those Troops that ride
So daringly under the Flag of Pride.
Humility Prince of this Train, first go
Into the Earth, confront thy prideful Foe
With all thy force: whilst he elates do thou
Inflect mens hearts: make them not scorn to bow.
To thee Prince Love I joyn, whose power, and might
Makes Hel's black bands to tremble at his sight:
O how they fear him! Against all I send
Thee; chiefly though thy force 'gainst envy bend,
Rush on their blacker Troops; let Malice, Hate
Envie's Companions feel thy Force's weight.
'Gainst Avarice, march Liberality.
And Truth, against twy-fac'd Hypocrisie.
Meeknesse meet thou stern Wrath: Strength, Courage, Hope,
Do thou with sad Despair most bravely Cope.
Zeal march Idolatry Faith wing the Souls
Of men, and bear them higher than the Poles:
By thee they shall possesse this Kingdom e're
Their prison'd Souls have left the other Sphere:


By thee Hel's poyson, shall dispelled be;
Custom of sinning 'fore thy Troops shall flee.
Go Wisdom with your Troops. And Innocence
With Resignation joyn; Obedience
With Uprightnesse: oppose to guilt and guile,
To stubbornnesse, and disobedience vile.
Go Continence, and chast Virginity,
Resist thou Lust, thou wanton Luxury.
Light vanquish thou dark mists, and clouds of Error;
Joy, bitter Sadnesse: Peace disturbing Terror.
Go bravely now, Hel's force, and strength resist,
My Power, and Magic shall you still assist.
Strait from their Centre these light Troops do go,
To help poor Man against his Stygian Foe;
Who else would be devoured soon; all still
Do eagre strive to do their Master's will:
Magic opposeth Magic: Spirits, Spirits.
Man's will can not be forc'd: He still inherits
A Kingly freedom; neither World Constrain
Man to do what he does; they seek to gain
His full assent, or else 'tis nothing worth:
For what if one should with a sword, in Wrath
Destroy my Corpse? or fling me in the Sea
From some high Rock? What? should I guilty be,
Unlesse that I with my free will had gon,
And voluntary sought destruction?
Sinn's not without assent: Nor lyes it in
B'ing tempted, but in yielding lyes the sin.
Is God so hard to punish us, think you,
For sin if we no otherwise can do?
Have we no power to will the good? O sad!
If God should punish if we will the bad.
And yet you see most wills seem captivate
To ill: in this we'r like an Infant, that
Chooseth some bauble when a Jewel too
With it expos'd was to his choyce and view:
He's not constrain'd, he chuse may which he will:
So we through ignorance oft chuse the ill.
Man's will is free. Both Worlds strive with their might,
For this their powers so eagerly do fight.


Hell tempt, allures, attracts, and draws, and still
A thousand wayes, seeks for to gain man's will.
Love, with his agents draw the other way,
Exhibite, Glory, Brightnesse, Riches, Joy
Spiritual: To this man now doth bend
His will, anon doth to the other tend.
The more that Satan gains of him, the less
His will he doth unto the good express:
The more heav'n gains of him, the more he still
Eschewes the bad, turns to the good his will.
In this there are degrees: coaction may
Befall me, when my Will another way
Propends: like one who to the place doth go
Where he must executed be: ye know,
Without his will his body would not move,
And yet that thing he wills he doth not love:
His will's yet free, that cann't be forc'd: refuse
He cannot Death, yet it he doth not choose.
So often times to Man it may befall,
That he may do what he not wills at all.
Man wills not wholly ill, untill that he
With Hell in union and conjunction be;
Then he's a devil. Hell to ill propends
Wholly; as God to good for ever tends.