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Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions

Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason]

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XVII. A Song of Praise for Holy Baptisme.


Lord what is Man that Lump of Sin,
Made up of Earth and Hell,
Not Fit to come within the Camp
VVhere Holy Angels dwell?
Man is a Leper from the VVomb,
An Ethiopian born,
A Traitour's Guilty Son and Heir,
VVorthy of pain and Scorn.


And dost thou look on such a one?
Are not thine Eyes most pure?
But they are Eyes of Pitty too,
VVhere Griefs do beg a Cure.
This Leper is a Loathsom Sight,
But pity casts an Ey,
And bids him wash in Jordans Streams
To Cure his Leprosie.



This Ethiopian Skin is Chang'd,
And made as white as Snow,
VVhen dipt in wonder-working Streams
VVhich from Christs Side did Flow.
As Adam slept, and from his Side
A killing Eve arose:
From my pierc'd Lord (that smitten Rock)
A pure Life-Fountain Flows.


Ah what a Tainted wretch is Man!
And so he must have stood.
But Loe! an Act of Sovereign Grace
Restores him to his blood.
Save me, my God; for I am thine,
Lord, own thy Seal to me.
O wash my Soul till it be Cleans'd
And purify'd for thee.


Blest above Streams is Jordans Flood
VVhich toucheth Canaans shore.
I'll Sing thy praise in Jordans Streams,
In Canaan Evermore.