University of Virginia Library

Nov is Gij to Warwike fare;
Þerl Rohaut he fint þare.
He welcomed him & his fere,
For he was him leue & dere,
& kist him wel sweteliche,
& of his present þonked him miche.


To his leman he is y-come,
& euen forþ hir-self sche haþ him nome.
Glad was his fader for him,
Sabin his moder & al his kin,
& al þe folk of þat cuntre
Bliþe were þai miȝt him se.
To Felice þan sir Gij is go;
Sweteliche he seyd hir to:
‘Leman,’ he seyd, ‘wele þou be,
Mi liif ichaue for loue of þe;
Ded ich were ȝif þou nere,
Mi bodi destrud and leyd on bere.
When þou þi wille hadde seyd to me,
Armes y fenge for loue of [þe];
& when ich hadde armes take,
Þou seyd þou noldest me for-sake,
Þou noldest þi loue werne to me;
& nov ich am her comen to þe:
Dere leman, y prey þe
Þi wille þatow tel to me.’