University of Virginia Library


Thus through the Fount of stormes (the cruell seas)
Her Monsters and malignant deities,
Great Perseus made high and triumphant way
To his starre crownd deed, and bright Nuptiall day.
And thus doe you, that Perseus place supply
In our Ioues loue, get Persean victorie
Of our Land Whale, foule Barbarisme, and all
His brood of pride, and liues Atheisticall:
That more their pallats and their purses prise
Then propagating Persean victories:
Take Monsters parts, not aucthor manly parts:
For Monsters kill the Man-informing Arts:
And like a lothed prodegie despise
The rapture that the Arts doth naturalise,
Creating and immortalising men:
Who scornes in her the Godheads vertue then,
The Godheads selfe hath boldnesse to despise,
And hate not her, but their Eternities:

Seeke vertues loue, and vicious flatteries hate,
Heere is no true sweete, but in knowing State.
Who Honor hurts, neglecting vertues loue,
Commits but Rapes on pleasures; for not Ioue
His power in thunder hath, or downeright flames,
But his chiefe Rule, his Loue and Wisedome frames.
You then, that in loues strife haue ouercome
The greatest Subiect blood of Crhistendome,
The greatest subiect minde take, and in Both
Be absolute man: and giue that end your oth.
So shall my sad astonisht Muse arriue
At her chiefe obiect: which is, to reuiue
By quickning honor, in the absolute best:
And since none are, but in Eternitie, blest,
He that in paper can register things
That Brasse and Marble shall denie euen Kings:
Should not be trod on by ech present flash:
The Monster slaine then, with your cleere Seas, wash
From spots of Earth, Heauens beauty in the minde
In which, through death, hath all true Noblesse shinde.