University of Virginia Library

A Dialogue betweene Icarus and surprized Phillida.

Pretty sweete one looke on me
Faine I would thy captive be,
Bound by thee is libertie.

Be not so unkindly wise
For your lookes will bribe my eyes
To divulge where my heart lyes.

If they doe, thou needst not feare,
By my innocence I sweare,
Ile but place another there.

Thats my feare I dare not prove
Nor my resolution move,
Cause I know you are in love.

Lov'd Icarus and if I be
I know I cannot injure thee,
Love and beauty will agree.


Oh you doe my hearing wrong,
I have turn'd my eyes thus long
To be captiv'd by your tongue.
Then my houres are happy spent,
If my tongue give such content
It shall be thy Instrument.
But be sure you use it then
Thus unto no other men,
Left that I grow deafe agen.