University of Virginia Library

Epigr. 14. In Mathonem optatiuum.

Matho the wisher hath an ill entent,
But for the fact I thinke him innocent,
If he see ought he wisheth it straight way.
Wishing the night, wishing he spendes the day.
Nor horse, nor man, nor wife, nor boy nor maide
Can scape his wish, nor ought that can be said.
Your house, your bed, your board, your plate, your dish,
All he deuours, tis all his with a wish.
He views whole fields & sheep on them which stray
Riuers, woods, hils, he wisheth all away.
Yea witt, and learning and good qualities,
He would not want, if wishing might suffice.
And this the disarde Matho nothing gaines,
By wishing oft, and yet he takes great paines.