University of Virginia Library


THE . 10 . CANT.

FAIR ANGELIQVE No longer may defy
The schot seueir quhilk thrals hir hautie hart;
The lord of luife victoriuslie dois cry
On all the gods to sie this ladie smart,
Quha pullith holsum herbs in euerie part
To stem the bleiding of hir luifer new,
Imploying all hir diligence and art
At vtter mycht his lyf for to reskew,
Reiosing so in his sanguinian hew
As Philles of Demophoon haid delyt,
Or Ariadne quhan Scho pitie schew
On Theseus from deth his lyf to quyt.
Quhat sall I say? Quhat sall I do Indyt?
Moir amorus vas not Medea seine
Of gentill Iasons luiflie vult perfyt,
Quhan Scho beheld the beutie of his eine,
Nor vas this ladie, deiplie vondit greine
Of this diseissit deedlie manglit man,
All brint in baile. As Dido duilfull queine,
Quhan scho socht counsele at hir sister An
Concerning both the cumlines and clan
Of hir Ene, Quhomvith scho thocht to mell,
So Angelique Is vext as scho vas than
Vith restles thochts And may thame not expell.
Both hote and cauld, Vith feuir new and fell,
In syndrie sorts assoupit dois scho smart,
And ȝit hir sorrow all in ȝeill did suell


To cuir his vond, Quho vondit haid hir hart.
Moir pain for him than for hir propir part
Vith dowbill pains Scho painfull dois posses,
And moir and moir Ingrawed the fyrie dart
As he in bewtie moir did conueles;
The lyf maist chast, the quhilk scho did profes,
Hir faithfull freinds, hir fredome, and hir fame
Scho lossis quyt for luife of him expres,
This Ganymede that Medor hecht to name.
Syn at the last laying asyd all schame,
Sic pinching paine did poulse hir percit hart,
Quhill for to sute scho did esteme na blame
Ane suggurit syrop till assuadge hir smart.
So dammest vas scho vith the foirsaid dart,
That be support of sum puir pastors thair
Scho tenderlie convoyd him from that part,
And in ane bowhouse vith him meed repair
Tuo moneths space, quhair scho no pains did spair
Him to restoir, And quhan his vonds decayt,
As snaw dissolwes, So scho consumd in cair,
Persauing him vith beuteis all arrayt.
Scho duils and duyns that he so lang delayt
To crawe the banquet quhilk prepaird abeed,
And be all moyens possibile assayt
Quhow that scho mycht in luifis leice him leed.
The curling ȝallow hair vpon his heed
Scho Interteind vith hir maist tender hand,
And stairing on his beutie quhyt and reed
All stupifact as statue dois scho stand.
No velth awails except scho fauor fand,
Hir ferturit flesche dois for effection fry,
Constraind to say, “I am at ȝour command,
Virk as ȝe vill I do ȝow mercie cry;
luif, langor, lust, and all dois on me ly
Beset vith sorrow as ȝour eis may sie
Sen first I did ȝour portrateur espy;


Reliwe my greife Or schortlie lat me die.”
O puissant Paladeins, thocht ȝe peirles bie,
Now serwes for nocht ȝour fortitude and mycht;
The great distres and dolor ȝe did drie
Vas ay disdaind bot now estemde maist lycht.
O Roland stout, Thou rather lose thy sycht
Than to persawe quhow this succes Increst.
O valȝant king of circassie this nycht
Thow art depryuit of all erdlie rest;
Thy vasall lyf It may no longer lest,
Thow art bot deed for veirray amorus yre.
Renounit Rennawlt, vith great paine opprest,
lost is the sueit sould slaik thy deip desyre.
ferragus, flammyng all in luifis fyre,
Quenchd is the spring that may thy murning meise.
Sic pitifull spreit thy ladie dois Inspyre,
That Medor to hir fragrant garding geise
And dois hir prime Rose be the ruit vpreise;
At plesour planting in hir fertill feild
He saws his seid, And eits the fruite at eise,
Quhilk neuir man befoir him self haid teild.
Quhyls in his armes Scho dois hir bodie ȝeild
Vith rosie reed gilting hir visage quhyt,
And quhyls hir mouthe abyds bebathd and beild
On his tuo lips preportionat perfyt.
Quhyls scho resaifs, And quhyls scho dois requyt
The luiflie sound assaultis soft and sueit;
As tender delicat daseis of delyt
Vith bodies Ionit plesandlie thay meit;
Thir persone both vith proper sports repleit,
Bair of all baile, Abounding into blis,
In luiflie liquor lustelie did fleit
And onlie raueist vith the Ioy of this.
So Medor now possessith at his vis
Bot onie merit or occasion Iust
The Recompans Quhilk campions did mis,


And beirs the badgie of thair hoip and trust.
He fauor finds, Thay die for luife and lust,
The hiche triumphe quhilk did thair stait decoir
Is disapoynt And of na grace may gust,
For Medor gains the guerdone and the gloir,
Quho hes his ladie radie him befoir
In euerie thing bent till assuadge his smart.
He onlie reuls hir thochts but proces moir,
Hir saull, hir lyfe, hir bodie, and hir hart.
In tym Quhan Cupid thus delascht his dart,
Sueit vas the sesone seimlie to be seine,
The feilds annamelit vas in euerie part
Vith dyuers hews be lustie flora queine,
All bogs thay blumd, And vods vas growand greine,
Quhairin thir luifers dalie meed repair;
Quhyls vnder schaddow solitar thay beine,
Quhair birds outbirstit doulcest verblis rair,
Quhyls in the dails, the dens, And midows fair
besyds the fontans, And the plesand parks.
And as thay pass sum vacant tym thay spair
To Interleice vith craftie curius varks
Thair names in syphers in the tender barks,
Vith sum deuysis formd in facund dyt;
And Angelique vith hir awne hand thame marks
In signe of stedfast ametie perfyt.
And to decoir this dalie douce delyt
The nuptiall band bound vp vas tham betueine,
Vith na les plesour to thair appetyt,
Althocht that thair na pompe Imperiall beine
Than Mychtie Mars vith venus did conveine,
Quhan Subtile vulcan did tham both arraist
In craftie net, Syn throche the heawenis meed seine,
Quhan Phebus cam, Quhow thay lay Interlaist.
So thir tuo luifers luifinglie Imbraist,
Quhair brycht Apollo mycht thair persons spy,
Quho glanst abowe hir gowldin hairs Intraist
In silkin threid lyk Iris In the sky.


And in the nycht thay so conIunctlie ly
Bebathd in bliss, As luifers oft hes beine,
Quhill Cleir Aurora darknit clouds schot by,
Vpwarping vyd the firmament sereine
Vith purpure sprayings from portis christalleine.
Quhan pastors sped thair floks vnto the plaine,
Vith monie sang And Interlude betueine,
Thay glaidlie go to glansing feilds againe.
Thair vas ane spelunc quhair thay did remaine,
Quhan lampe of day maist vehement hote did scheine,
Tham seruing so As it, quhilk in the raine
Did eise The TroIane And The Cartage queine.
The litile lambis bendit on the greine,
As thay best mycht thir luifers to content,
Pan And his troupe thair seimlie did conveine
Vith plesand pyping And vith quhissils quent.
Vith dulcorat voce celestiall and lent
fair Philomela And dame Progne flew
In suawe soft souching of the Ȝephir vent,
Quhilk fresche amongs the blomit brainchis blew.
Both Driades, And Demigods anew,
Vith Echo schill, And Nymphis monie one,
All till agment this mirth sum solas schew.
That day from seis outIscht the great Triton
for to salute lord Phawnus In his tron,
Magnific set in his Robbe royale doune.
And flora franklie did fair gifts dispon,
Expressing thair hir puissant ritche renoune,
Quha buir parfumd ane odoriferus croune,
Vith varient cumlie colors hich auanst,
Sum Reed, And greine, Quhyt, Blew, And Purpour, Broune;
As topas scheine Or diamonts thay glanst.
The vyfs, The schiphirds, And thair barnis danst,
Cled in thair cleine and costliest array,
Vith Iofull harts thay lop and no thing panst,
Blyth as Dameta Or Menalcas gay.
Not Tyterus did on his quhissill play


Vith greatter mirth Than thay did all reiois,
Nor Coridon sang not so sueit I say
for till alluir Alexis luife formois.
O Paladeins, As Tantalus ȝe lois
This recreation turning to ȝour noy,
And Medor lyk the knycht Clariadus gois,
Quhan he did Meik Meliades conwoy
from fontan quhair thay haid conweind vith Ioy.
Not thow quho famus Helena possest
Obteind sic plesour As this sempill boy
In his Renounit Angelique modest.
His fortoune so be accident Increst,
That he surpast lord Amadis of france,
In rewling thus ane beutie Immolest,
Quhilk did abowe fair Oriane auance.
for till depaint at lenth thair full plesance
My langage laiks all Ciceronian dyt;
I neuir smeld sic luiflie recompance.
Heirfoir to vichts venerian I quyt
To form in verse virgilian perfyt
Thair facund fassons, And thair freindlie cheir,
Thair kynd conceits, And dalie douce delyt,
In firm effectione feruent and Inteir.
Now quhan thay so haid left Ingrauit heir,
As I haif said, dictums perfyt Indent,
That in thois parts maist plainlie mycht appeir
In thousand sorts thair amorus consent,
Quhilk proper poyntit pensile haid done prent
On fontans, Rocks, Cauerns, And plesand treis,
To schaw thair stabill permanent Intent
Maist patentlie to all beholders eis;
The Curius knots so circuat quho seis
In monie vayis about the letters plet,
Thairbe the bands of Cupid notifeis,
Quhilk haid thair amorus hartis Interknet:
And heir abowe vas sum flour panseis set,


Vith darts Ingrawe, Declaring be dewyis
That in that proper place haid luifers met,
And offrit Venus thankfull sacrafyis.
Now from this part to pass thay Interpryis,
Thair Iournay tending to the Orient bent,
Quhair hir Imperiale kingdome velthie lyis,
That Medor mycht posses hir royale rent.
Bot hir great vorschip vold Befoir scho vent
Present the pastors vith sum recompance,
Quho haid declaird thair seruiable Intent
In euerie thing mycht haif done hir plesance.
Ane Braslat rair, Quhilk gloriuslie did glance
Vith diamonts decorde And Rubeis fyne,
Quhilk Roland gaife hir In remembrance,
Scho randrit tham the sam In ane propyne.
Vith humyle thanks the Pastors did Inclyne
And knelit law to kis hir cumlie hands,
And scho againe vith sembelance deuyne
hir freindlie freindchipe to tham recommands.
So Scho departs vith Medor from thais lands,
Ascending vp the hautie great montaine,
Quhilk to thois pastorall parts approtching stands,
And dois deuyd the famus france from spaine:
for thay consult vithin thair amorus braine
In Valence Or In Barcelone to byd,
Quhill thay the portage of sum schip mycht gaine,
Quhilk did derectlie to the Orient gyd.
Thay pass the hicht, syn on the vther syd
Beneth the mont thay spy the seis appeir.
Alongs the riuage Iofullie thay ryd,
Bot ȝit or thay to Barcelone cam neir,
Ane furius fole did Interchainge thair cheir,
Quho on the grawell As ane sow did ly;
And lyk ane Mastiu Or Malicious Beir
He raidgeit on thir luifers that cam by.