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Of the Working of severall Motions of Nature.

Motions do work according as they finde
Matter, that's fit, and proper for each kinde.
Sensitive Spirits work not all one way,
But as the Matter is, they cut, carve, lay,


Joyning together Matter, solid Light,
And build, & form some Figures streight upright;
Or make them bending, and so jutting out:
And some are large, and strong, and big about.
And some are thick, and hard, and close unite;
Others are flat, and low, and loose, and light.
But when they meet with Matter, fine, and thin,
Then they do weave, as Spiders when they spin:
All that is woven is soft, smooth, thin things,
As flowry Vegetables, & Animall Skins.
Observe the Graine of every thing, youle see,
Like inter-woven Threads lye evenly.
And like to Diaper, & Damask wrought,
In severall workes, that for our Table's bought.
Or like to Carpets which the Persian made,
Or Sattin smooth, which is the Florence Trade.


Some Matter they ingrave, like Ring, and Seale,
Which is the Stamp of Natures Common-weale.
Tis Natures Armes, where she doth print
On all her Works, as Coyne that's in the Mint.
Some severall sorts they joyn together glu'd.
As Matter solid, with some that's fluid.
Like to the Earthly ball, where some are mixt
Of severall sorts, although not fixt.
For though the Figure of the Earth may last
Longer then others; yet at last may waste.
And so the Sun, and Moon, and Planets all,
Like other Figures, at the last may fall.
The Matter's still the same, but Motion may
Alter it into Figures every way:
Yet keepe the property, to make such kind
Of Figures fit, which Motion out can find.


Thus may the Figures change, if Motion hurles
That Matter of her waies, for other Worlds.