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The History Of the Most Vile Dimagoras

Who by Treachery and Poison blasted the incomparable Beauty of Divine Parthenia: Inter-woven with the History of Amoronzo and Celania. By John Quarles

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It so fell out, Dimagoras was espy'd
(With his plump Goaler walking by his side)
To pass that way, who being known by most
Of all the Knights, they soon began to boast
Of their approching past-time, which they knew
(If plotted well) would presently ensue;
And knowing that Dimagoras his ear
Was always very courteous to hear
Harmonious strains; they presently made choice
Of one, whose more then ordinary voice
Would tame a Tyger, nay make sorrow glad
Having an Art which Orpheus never had,
She has been often times mistook to be
An Angel in a Damosels Liverie;
And first, this Lady was desir'd to strain
Her magick voice, that so they might obtain,


And bring him near the Bowr; that so his ear
Might with more ease, and more distinctly hear,
Himself revil'd, and scorn'd; and how his name
Was eccho'd to the world in lasting shame;
Nay, that which vext him most, was, in regard
Th' attentive Goaler, listning, over heard
The same expressions, which indeed enforc'd
His present fury, whilst he thus discours'd: