University of Virginia Library

Nudus egressus sum ex vtero matris mei et nudus reuertar illuc.

Naked he sayeth, in to this worlde I come
When from my mothers wombe nome
And naked I shall tourne hence away
And so shall all at the last day
Thus is a man, at his fyrste cōmynge
Naked and bare, and bryngeth nothynge
But a skynne foule and waltsome
That is his garment, when he shall come
And that is a blody skynne full thynne
That he brought, and was wounde in
When he in his mother wombe lay
Forsoth this was a symple aray
And thus is man made, as ye may se
In moche wretchydnes, and captyuyte
And afterwarde lyueth here, but a fewe dayes
As Iob openly vnto vs all sayes.