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The Flovver of Fame

Containing the bright Renowne, & moste fortunate raigne of King Henry the viii. Wherein is mentioned of matters, by the rest of our Chronographers ouerpassed. Compyled by Ulpian Fulwell. Hereunto is annexed (by the Author) a short treatice of iii. noble and vertuous Queenes. And a discourse of the worthie seruice that was done at Hadington in Scotlande, the seconde yere of the raigne of King Edward the sixt

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An Epitaph on the death of Queene Anne Bullayne.

Yf wayling woes might win thy life,
to lodge in corpes agayne:
Thy bodie should O noble Queene,
not thus in graue remayne.
For if that death might life redeeme,
and life were bought with death:
Ten thousande to restore your lyfe,
woulde render vytall breath.
But sith that may in no wise bee,
for death woulde worke his spight:
With yernefull voyce and dolefull domps
we shall expell delight.
And shew our greefes with secret sighes,
and langour of the breste:
The flodds of teares shed for thy sake,
declares our harts vnrest.
And were it not thy royall Impe
did mittigate our payne:
The sorrow for thy fatall day,
wee vneth could sustayne.

Yet this somewhat recomfortes vs
for that we be moste sure
Thy blessed soule is lodgde with God
Foreuer to endure.
Also thy noble splendent fame
O noble Prince Queene Anne
Shall liue on earth till worldes ende
within the mouth of man.
And eke thy lyfe shalbe a lore
for Ladies all to learne:
Wherin they may, as in a glasse
Dame Vertues path desearne.