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The Musyque of the beautie of his Mistresse Diana. Composed by John Soowthern ... and dedicated to the right Honorable, Edward Deuer, Earle of Oxenford, &c

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Sonnet. 3.
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Sonnet. 3.

[That death that despises at all kinde of beautie]

That death that despises at all kinde of beautie,
And would make all loue, goe into Charons passage:
Would haue hit the eyes, wherein I liue in seruage:
The eyes both to fayre, and too full of crueltie.
But Cupid that styll in those eyes was indompted:
The infant knew well, where after this death sought:
And began to crie (death) if thou ende thy thought,
We shall neither of vs, be againe redoubted.
But (death) if thout let me liue in these eyes styll:
Thou shalt see (O then) how nobelly I wyll.

Hoyst thy honour? for I haue not halfe thy might,
And yet in these eyes, I conquer all the world:
Death hearing this, let him liue styll in the syght:
Fro whence he shewteth such sharpe arrowes of gold.