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The kalender of shepherdes

the edition of Paris 1503 in photographic facsimile: a faithful reprint of R. Pynson's edition of London 1506. Edited with a critical introduction and glossary by H. Oskar Sommer

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Howe euery degre of states sholde ordre them.

The imperyall myght of a kynges mageste.
On foure pylers grounded is gouernaunce.
Fyrst do right iustyce and equyte.
To pore and ryche bothe in a balaunce.
Than his stately myght shall further and auaunce
He to be lyberall with force of humanyte
And after vyctory haue mercy and pyte.
The bysshope.
O ye halfe goddys flourynge in prudence.
ye bysshopes with your deuout pastoralyte.
Teche the people with noble eloquence


Anyonte your flocke with crystes deuyne.
Fede the pore people with hospytalyte.
Be meke ande chaste in this melytante churche.
Do fyrst your selue well and than teche vs to worche.

The knyghtes.
O ye knyghtes that floures in fortytude.
with laboure and trauell to gete nobley.
Fyght thou for the people that is pore and rude.
And if nede be for the churche thou dye.
Loue trouthe hate wronge and velany.
Apes the people by thy magnyfycence.
And to all wymen be thou shelde and defence.

The generalyte.
Go home you persones and couche nat in courte.
Go teche Crystes seruantes/ and thyn owne laborere.
Thou nygarde/ sowe out thy horde.
In housholde/ and be none extorcyoner.
Monke pray/ preche frere/ marchaunt go farre and nere.
Drede god/ kepe his lawe & honour your kynge.
And your rewarde shall ye haue/ at your endynge.