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The Poems of James VI. of Scotland

Edited by James Craigie

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[And at your handis I earnestly do craue]

And at your handis I earnestly do craue,
O facound Mercure, with the Muses nyne,
That for conducting guyde I may you haue,
Aswell vnto my pen, as my Ingyne.
Let Readers think, thy eloquence deuyne
O Mercure, in my Poems doth appeare:
And that Parnassis flowing fountaine fyne
Into my works doth shyne lyke cristall cleare.
O Muses, let them thinke that they do heare
Your voyces all into my verse resound.
And that your vertewis singuler and seir
May wholly all in them be also found.
Of all that may the perfyte Poems make,
I pray you let my verses haue no lake.