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On this conspicuous stage,
The gaze and wonder of the age,
Where thou hast acted so sublime a part,
Thy character so dear,
To ev'ry virtuous heart,
As is thy name familiar to the ear,
No panegyric needs;
Yet the Columbian's thy compatriots here,
The witnesses of thy illustrious deeds,
Who feel their int'rest in the glorious cause,
To such an happy issue brought,
By Heav'n's auspicious smiles
On thy paternal cares,
Who reinstated in their shares,
Assign'd by nature's laws,
For which thou hast so bravely fought,
Now find themselves establish'd heirs,
And reap the fruits of thy unwearied toils,
Far best thy merits know, and loudest shout applause.
By high and low, and old and young,
Of all Columbia's virtuous swains,
On her extensive happy plains,
Are thy due praises sung,
In elevated strains,
The joy of ev'ry heart and theme of ev'ry tongue;
And while the tributary choirs
Chant forth, as their esteem inspires,


The praise that to thy character belongs,
And celebrate what all the world admires,
In their melodious songs;
Conscious of the vast debt they owe,
For all thy gen'rous actions done,
And all the blessings thou for them hast won,
With sweet delight their fondest passions move,
And their enraptur'd bosoms glow,
With gratitude ineffable and love.
Unable, as they are,
T'afford a recompence condign,
For all thy faithful diligence and care,
From ev'ry pious breast,
With the dear load of benefits opprest,
Frequent petitions rise,
With ardor not to be exprest,
T'intreat the power Divine
To aid their penury, and shed,
In rich abundance from the skies,
His choicest stores of blessings on thy head.