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WOODBINE.—Lonicera Periclymenon.

Fraternal Love.

Come back, come back, my brother; we miss thee at the board
Where wit's diamond sparks are flashing, while the ruby wine is poured;
We miss thy smile of quiet mirth—we miss the heart-beam bright,
Which from thy calm and earnest eye sheds forth its genial light.
Come back, come back, my brother; we miss thee at the hour
When the dew of Heaven falls silently on moonlit tree and flower,
We miss thy low and gentle voice—we miss the converse high,
That bears us, as on angel wings, to commune with the sky.


Come back, come back, my brother; till thou the Priest art come
The oracles of mystic life within our souls are dumb;
We live too much 'mid outward things, the spirit's light grows dim,
And only an unsullied hand the sacred flame may trim.