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Once, when Saint Swithin chanced to be
A-wandering in Hungary,
He, being hungered, cast around
To see if something might be found
To stay his stomach.
Near by stood
A little house, beside a wood,
Where dwelt a worthy man, but poor.
Thither he went, knocked at the door.
The good man came. Saint Swithin said,
“I prithee give a crust of bread
To ease my hunger.”
“Brother,” quoth
The good man, “I am sadly loath
To say” (here tears stood on his cheeks)
“I've had no bread for weeks and weeks,
Save what I've begged. Had I one bit,
I'd gladly give thee half of it.”
“How,” said the Saint, “can one so good
Go lacking of his daily food,
Go lacking means to aid the poor,
Yet weep to turn them from his door?
Here—take this purse. Mark what I say:
Thou'lt find within it every day
Two golden coins.”