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Britain's Arms vigorous; or France humbled.


To insults long, from France inur'd,
Britannia rouz'd, and dreadful frown'd!
Her navy mann'd, her coasts secur'd,
And fear did ev'ry foe confound!
Great Heav'n thought fit,
The patriot Pitt,
At helm shou'd sit,
And point her flaming veng'ance round.


Her daring troops, Britannia scann'd,
Which faithful stood, to guard her shore;
Well pleas'd, she saw her navy mann'd;
And heard 'em loud defiance roar:
Aloud she cries,
France still defies,
Rise warriors rise!
And drown all Gaul in Gallic gore!


My naval sons against the Gauls,
Launch forth, and with a stern disdain,
Transport my thunders, to their walls,
And roll my terrors o'er the main,
Great George defend,
Fiercely contend,
Make Gallia bend,
Restrain the frog, and check proud Spain.


No longer let proud Gallia boast,
But now equipt, and rous'd to arms,
Return the war along their coast,
Whilst ardour ev'ry bosom warms;
Their hearts all fail,
Cold fears prevail,
Now, now, set sail!
And fill all France with dread alarms.


Tho' Lewis threats with naval force;
To view displays his warlike stores;
Tho' gath'ring troops, of foot, and horse,
Range dreadful, on the hostile shores!
They ardour lack;
Their threats fling back;
Their coasts attack;
'Tis thus, Britannia you implores.


To battle quick, her armies rush'd,
The terror of her arms display.
With conquest oft, the troop were flush'd,
Her fleets launch'd forth, and swept the sea;
They ev'ry where,
Stern veng'ance bear,
Spread death, and fear,
And Gallia felt a dread dismay.


Thus whilst our fleets sweep o'er the main,
And troops domestic guard the shore,
Tho' France unite with haughty Spain,
And Holland too, we'll fear no more;


Their pow'rs we'll meet,
And roughly greet,
Whilst Britain's fleet,
In flaming death, shall loudly roar. .

In the battle, after the death of Patroclus, Achilles gave no quarters; and even destroy'd the twelve prisoners he took in fight, as a sacrifice to the [illeg.] of his dear Patroclus; and as the Taylors made such slaughter, and gave no quarter! they might be said to hew thro' the ranks [illeg.] Achillean rage!