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Calmstorm, the reformer

A Dramatic Comment

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—A street. First Citizen. Second Citizen, &c.
Second Cit.
The elements are all astir: whate'er
Of base, of mean design or falsest hope


The city has, 'gainst Calmstorm, bends itself;
From every point the desperate shouters cry,
And make it seem that Heaven ordains his death.

First Cit.
Bravely we should make up our force of men,
And in a body, show that we uphold
His hands, e'en at the direst edge of peril.

Third Cit.
Calmstorm withdraws himself, nor will be seen
To-day, because the city has declared
'Gainst a poor suitor in the wealth-struck courts.

First Cit.
Fear not, his countenance will clear as the great day goes on.
This little cross cannot defeat his soul—
As though a cloud through the wide heavens should chase
The sun and seek to quench it!—
What though the eagle on the earth may sit
Awhile, and see the clouds, nor see the sun,
The folded thunder of his wings he yet
Shall free, and quell despairing with his upward look!

Sec. Cit.
Gather the people,
If we can, in the Great Square, an hour from this.

First Cit.
We, in the flush of youth, the spirit's flush,
Should love him, cheer him, nourish and sustain;
For beautiful and bright he seems to us,
The earnest helper of his brother man,
As though the day had clothed him with his sun,
The night had crowned him with her peaceful stars!

[Exeunt severally.