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—A Dungeon.
The sun just sets behind the western hills,
The shades of twilight curtain round the sky
And spread unusual darkness thro' my dungeon:
This is the time, the happy time! when Zamor
Promis'd to come and free me from my prison.
Why does he wait? say, is he not my friend,
Or are his promises all vain and false?
I've waited long, this hour has been a day;
I fondly hop'd to see the setting sun
In freedom; but its golden orb has vanish'd,
And the red gleams of twilight stain the west.
I seated me upon this stone, and look'd,
With straining eye, unmoving, thro' the grate,
To see the sun descending to the horizon;
I chid each lazy moment as it pass'd,
And wish'd an eagle's wings might urge it onward:
Each sound I heard arrested my attention;
I listen'd, thought I heard the gates unbarr'd,
And sprang to meet the dear approach of Zamor.
Still, still the sun has set, and darkness shrouds
The scenery all around, the stars are twinkling
Feebly, amid the clear, unclouded sky:
A melancholy shade pervades my prison,
And seems the harbinger of something dreadful.
Heavens! is there aught awaits me more distressing
Than what I've suffer'd? what a shade is that,
Which glides along the wall? speak, tell my fate;
Oh, horrid! Zamor, come and free me! Zamor,
Come and fulfil thy promise to Alonzo!
Ah, there he comes! I hear the gates unbarr'd,
He comes! he comes! Alonzo now is free!


[Enter Zamor.]
My dearest Zamor, can I now be free,
Say, can I leave this gloomy seat of horror?

Yes, dear Alonzo, follow me to freedom;
Thou now shalt know that I am ever faithful;
I come to set thee now at liberty,
And break the iron bolts, that bar thy dungeon.
Alonzo, thou art free.

Oh, gracious heaven!
Accept my warmest thanks, and pour thy blessings
In ceaseless show'rs on faithful Zamor's head.
Alonzo free! how sweet that accent sounds,
Alonzo free! Oh, I could speak forever
The blessed words. Zamor, receive my thanks,
The warmest thanks of an o'erflowing heart.

Alonzo, I have come to seal my friendship;
Yes, I have come to bid my last adieu.
When thou art free, wilt thou remember me?
Say, wilt thou ever think of faithful Zamor?

Oh, ever! ever! I will ne'er forget thee,
I'd sooner die than lose thy dear remembrance.

Alonzo, when thou'rt freed from this dark dungeon,
And left to roam the fields at liberty,
Would not Alzira's love delight thy soul?
Know then, I free thee from thy gloomy prison,
To wed thee to Alzira; I will join you
In wedlock never—never to be broken.

Now let us fly, the growing darkness favours.

But why this hurry? as the night advances,
Thy flight will be more safe. Approach this grate,
And view the cloudless sky; say, is't not lovely?


Mark, how the star of evening shines, how bright
It gems the west. Alonzo, thou hast seen
Many an evening on the hills of Castile,
As fair as this; is't not a cheerful sight?

Yes, it reminds me of my youthful days
And boyish sports, beneath the silver moon.

Look at it steady, take thy final look!

What say'st thou, Zamor?

Take thy final look!
Thou ne'er shalt see the vault of heaven again!

Zamor, art thou distracted?

No, Alonzo!
I only come to seal my faithful friendship,
To seal it thus; [draws his dagger]
look at that polish'd dagger,

See how it glitters; can't it pierce thy heart?

Angels of mercy! aid me in this hour;
Oh, blessed God of heaven! I pray thee, help me.

Alonzo! thus I show my fond affection;
I free thee from this dungeon, but to hide thee
Secure within the dungeon of the grave.
Alzira's dead; go there enjoy thy love,
Go there and wed her ghastly, mould'ring corse!
There thou canst love forever; art thou ready?

But hear me, Zamor, hear me, I beseech thee!
Is this thy kindness? say, didst thou not promise
To free me from my prison?

Yes, I did,
And thus I free thee. [Prepares to stab him.]

Oh, have mercy on me!
Spare me one moment, spare me, cruel Zamor!
What could'st thou mean, to torture poor Alonzo


With such high expectations and then dash them?
Spare me!

What dost thou want, thou dastard wretch?
Alzira lov'd thee, but she hated me;
She's dead, and thou shalt die.

Infernal Zamor!
I'm weak and wretched, but I once was brave;
I tell thee thou'rt a fiend.

I know it well,
I glory, dastard, in my cruelty.
Say, art thou ready?

Yes, kill me, thou coward!
Come and attack a feeble, helpless prisoner
At night, when all is dark; strike, if 'twill please thee,
Thou mean infernal coward!

Hell and fury!
Dar'st thou insult me thus? I'll never stain
That dagger with thy puny woman blood:
Here! here! Horazan, seize the dastard wretch!
Relentless drag him to that narrow cell,
And plunge thy assassin knife into his bosom.
Revenge! revenge! thy work is almost done.