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The sons of Usna

a tragi-apotheosis, in five acts

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The interior of Naisa's Tent. Enter Darthula, who reclines upon a couch.
Here will I wait until I see him come,
Then, after ravishing my soul on him—
Rapt with the beauty of his heavenly face,
Return again back to my Palace home.
For, oh! this heart! this Angel of my breast,
Has lost all knowledge of its former joys,
In the sweet memory of his heavenly smiles.
Oh! Ardan! Ardan! Heaven come down on earth!
Let me but gaze once more on thy sweet face,
And this lost aching heart will be at rest!
For it is thine—all thine—forever thine!

Enter Daidra, who, upon observing her, stops suddenly.
Who can this be, lying here on my couch,
Dressed like a queen? The daughter of Duntrone?
It must be she! too beautiful for earth,
But yet not from the Heavens—for were she thence,
She would not lie here on my husband's couch!
Her jewels glitter like the stars by night!
What can she mean? Naisa is not here,
Else I would swear he was the Sun that had
Enticed this star to wander from her sphere.

Enter Naisa, in haste.
Now, my dear queen! one embrace of those lips,
Then for the chase where my two brothers are
[Kisses Darthula, who is asleep.
Now, then, farewell till we shall meet again!

Oh! God! is this the end of woman's love?
Thus to be wrecked here on this Rock of Hell!
So, he has swapped me for another's love—
The daughter of Duntrone? I know he has!
For he would kiss no woman but a queen!
But why lament? why waste my thoughts on him?
For he who would thus wrong my spotless love,
Is far beneath my hate as Hell from Heaven!
For after this, there is no day for me, but night—
Eternal night—that has no Morn beyond!
Now do I wish I was back home again,
With Conor in my native land! Alas!
How foolish was I, at the first, to leave!
Now, then, will I return to him again—
Begging his pardon on my bended knees;
For this is more than I can bear! Farewell!
Naisa! husband of my youth! my love!
Farewell forever more—never to meet
Again on earth!—never to meet in Heaven!
For Truth can never meet with Falsehood there!
Farewell! I go to Erin's Isle again!
For here I cannot—will not—stay! Farewell!
A thousand times—farewell! sad is my loss!
Who wert my joy on earth—my hopes of Heaven.
Oh God! that I must leave what I most love!
But I must pay him for his treachery!
I must—I will—because I must! Farewell!

Curtain Falls.
End of Act Second.