University of Virginia Library


In the fields of Judea near Bethlehem town,
While shepherds did watch their flocks on the green,
Behold, from the heavens an angel came down,
And a bright gleaming star appeared on the scene.
“Fear not!” said the angel, glad tidings I bring
And the glories from heaven in splendor shown down;
“In the city of David, this day comes a king;
He lies in a manger at Bethlehem town.”
Then a heavenly host with harps in their hand
Surrounded that angel, a heavenly sight;
Singing-“glory to God and good will to men.”
Then ascended in air and was lost from the sight.


Then the shepherds arose and deserted their fold;
Went forth to that city and Jesus they found;
They knelt down and praised him, and so we are told,
From thence they departed, and noised it around.
Yes, His name has been noised from thence to this day,
As we wake from our slumber on bright Christmas morn,
The church bell are chiming, our pulses beat gay;
Earth's mortals rejoices that Jesus is born.