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The same old sun is shining,
That shone in Bethlehem;
That dawned upon the morning,
When Christ our Saviour came.
His splendor is no brighter,
His rays are spread the same,
As spread with gold on the streets of old,
Where He healed the deaf and lame.
The same old sun is shining,
That shone on Galilee;
When He called two angling brothers,
And said, “Lo, follow me.”
While down that dusty highway,
The same old blazing sun;
Shone down upon my Saviour's brow,
And on Capernaum.


And at the Jordan river,
This sun shone bright and free,
When He to John, who stood amazed,
Said, “Suffer it to be.”
Through the land of old Judea,
Through neighboring cities round,
Where e'er there went our Saviour,
The same old sun shone down.
The same old sun was shining,
When He 'fore Pilate stood:
Where sat the false accusers,
Who yearned to shed His blood.
As they hailed Him king with scoffing,
Robed Him with purple gown,
The radiant light of the golden sun,
In silence glittered down.
And on the road to Calvary,
With thorn wreath on His brow,
The same old sun was shining down,
That shines upon us now.


But when upon that fatal cross,
When the pang of death passed through,
Vile earthquakes, shook this sinful earth,
This sun was hid from view.
And round His tomb upon that morn,
When weeping Mary came,
The sun renewed his brilliant light,
That glittering orb of flame.
And when an angel rolled the stone,
And to that mother said,
“He've rose, He's gone to Galilee;
Come, see where He hath layed.”
Behold, with glittering beams of gold,
This sun gleamed round Him then,
“All power is mine,” He bravely told,
“Go! preach my word to men.”
Still shines the same old blazing sun,
He runs his course each day;
While nations perish one by one,
He shines upon their clay.