University of Virginia Library

Program Explained

Mr. Berte outlined the basic
make-up of the program on a
national level.

The UYA program acts as a
coordinator between interested
student volunteers and social
agencies working in the field.
These agencies contact the
UYA, which then trains the
volunteers for tasks in the

The UYA provides a
structure for these
coordination efforts and also
serves as a consulting agency to
which volunteers can return.

According to Mr. Berte, the
definite emphasis of the
program, funded by the
federal government, is on

"Research has shown that
many times the career goals of
students have been reinforced
by participation in these
programs," he said. "The value
systems of the students have
often been challenged by the
conditions they meet in these
low-income areas," Mr. Berte
added. "Yet research has
pointed to the fact that the
value systems of students are
becoming increasingly

In Charlottesville, 25
students will start training for a
full year's work Jan. 30, 1973,
and the latter stages of training
will include work within the
low-income, rural areas.