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Meet With Students

In order to have more
contact with students, Mrs.
Deese plans to spend every
Tuesday afternoon from 4 to
5.30 in Webb House Lounge
"Students should feel that the
academic dean is always

Born in New York City, she
grew up in Washington D.C.,
and received her A.B. from
George Washington University.
After graduating, she taught
school and did psychology
testing for two years. Mrs.
Deese did graduate work at
both UCLA and Berkeley and
received her M.A. in teaching
at Johns Hopkins University.
Shortly afterwords she became
assistant principal and college
counselor at the Park School in
Baltimore, Md. The Deeses
have two children, ages 19 and

"We had been considering
the University for some time
before we came," asserted Mr.
Deese. "Now that we are here,
we are not disappointed."